Pass - определение. Что такое Pass
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Что (кто) такое Pass - определение

Passes; Passed; The Pass; Pass (disambiguation); PASS (disambiguation); The Pass (disambiguation); PASS
Найдено результатов: 1301
leave of absence
1) to issue a pass
2) to cancel, revoke a pass
3) a pass to (we got a pass to town)
4) on pass (they are in the city on pass)
5) to make a pass (over a target)
aggressive attempt to become friendly
6) to make a pass (at smb.)
transfer of a ball, puck
7) to complete; throw a pass
8) to block; intercept a pass
9) (Am. football) a forward; incomplete; lateral; touchdown pass
10) a free pass
11) a pass to (we got free passes to the concert)
12) things came to a pretty pass ('the situation became very complicated')
1) (A) ('to hand') ('to throw') pass the sugar to me; or: pass me the sugar; my teammate passed the ball to me; or my teammate passed me the ball
2) (D; intr.) to pass as, for ('to be accepted as') (he can pass as/for a Frenchman)
3) (d; intr.) to pass between ('to be exchanged') (a significant look passed between them)
4) (d; intr.) ('to shift') to pass from; to (to pass from one subject to another)
5) (d; intr.) to pass on, upon ('to judge') (to pass on the merits of a case)
6) (D; tr.) ('to deliver') to pass on, upon (the judge passed sentence on the accused; to pass judgment on smb.)
7) (d; intr.) ('to go'); ('to fly') to pass over (several planes passed over our house; to pass over a bridge)
8) (d; intr.) to pass over ('to disregard') (they passed over her when promotions were handed out)
9) (d; intr.) ('to go') to pass through (she was just passing through town)
10) (d; tr.) ('to insert') to pass through (he passed the cable through the loop)
11) (s) to pass unnoticed
12) (misc.) (BE) to be passed fit for service
1) to clear a pass
2) to block a pass
3) a mountain pass
4) a pass between; over; through (a pass through the mountains)
·vi A part; a division.
II. Pass ·vi Estimation; character.
III. Pass ·vi To go through the intestines.
IV. Pass ·vi Fig.: a thrust; a sally of wit.
V. Pass ·vt To make, as a thrust, punto, ·etc.
VI. Pass ·vi State of things; condition; predicament.
VII. Pass ·vi To take heed; to Care.
VIII. Pass ·vi To make a lunge or pass; to Thrust.
IX. Pass ·vt To emit from the bowels; to Evacuate.
X. Pass ·vi A single passage of a bar, rail, sheet, ·etc., between the rolls.
XI. Pass ·vi To go beyond bounds; to Surpass; to be in excess.
XII. Pass ·vt To put in circulation; to give currency to; as, to pass counterfeit money.
XIII. Pass ·vi To be suffered to go on; to be tolerated; hence, to continue; to live along.
XIV. Pass ·vi A movement of the hand over or along anything; the manipulation of a mesmerist.
XV. Pass ·vi A thrust or push; an attempt to stab or strike an Adversary.
XVI. Pass ·vt To take a turn with (a line, gasket, ·etc.), as around a sail in furling, and make secure.
XVII. Pass ·vi To go unheeded or neglected; to proceed without hindrance or opposition; as, we let this act pass.
XVIII. Pass ·vt To go by without noticing; to omit attention to; to take no note of; to Disregard.
XIX. Pass ·vi In football, hockey, ·etc., to make a pass; to transfer the ball, ·etc., to another player of one's own side.
XX. Pass ·vt To cause to obtain entrance, admission, or conveyance; as, to pass a person into a theater, or over a railroad.
XXI. Pass ·vi To go by or glide by, as time; to Elapse; to be spent; as, their vacation passed pleasantly.
XXII. Pass ·add. ·vi In football, hockey, ·etc., to make pass; to transfer the ball, ·etc., to another player of one's own side.
XXIII. Pass ·add. ·noun In football, hockey, ·etc., a transfer of the ball, ·etc., to another player of one's side, usually at some distance.
XXIV. Pass ·vi To be conveyed or transferred by will, deed, or other instrument of conveyance; as, an estate passes by a certain clause in a deed.
XXV. Pass ·vt To Transcend; to Surpass; to Excel; to Exceed.
XXVI. Pass ·vt To go by, beyond, over, through, or the like; to proceed from one side to the other of; as, to pass a house, a stream, a boundary, ·etc.
XXVII. Pass ·vi To go through any inspection or test successfully; to be approved or accepted; as, he attempted the examination, but did not expect to pass.
XXVIII. Pass ·vi To decline to take an optional action when it is one's turn, as to decline to bid, or to bet, or to play a card; in euchre, to decline to make the trump.
XXIX. Pass ·vi Permission or license to pass, or to go and come; a psssport; a ticket permitting free transit or admission; as, a railroad or theater pass; a military pass.
XXX. Pass ·vt To cause to pass the lips; to Utter; to Pronounce; hence, to promise; to Pledge; as, to pass sentence.
XXXI. Pass ·vt To go from one limit to the other of; to Spend; to live through; to have experience of; to Undergo; to Suffer.
XXXII. Pass ·vt To go successfully through, as an examination, trail, test, ·etc.; to obtain the formal sanction of, as a legislative body; as, he passed his examination; the bill passed the senate.
XXXIII. Pass ·vi To move or be transferred from one state or condition to another; to change possession, condition, or circumstances; to undergo transition; as, the business has passed into other hands.
XXXIV. Pass ·vi An opening, road, or track, available for passing; especially, one through or over some dangerous or otherwise impracticable barrier; a passageway; a defile; a ford; as, a mountain pass.
XXXV. Pass ·vi To move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge; to pass away; hence, to disappear; to Vanish; to Depart; specifically, to depart from life; to Die.
XXXVI. Pass ·vi To advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness; to be carried through a body that has power to sanction or reject; to receive legislative sanction; to be enacted; as, the resolution passed; the bill passed both houses of Congress.
XXXVII. Pass ·vi To move or to come into being or under notice; to come and go in consciousness; hence, to take place; to Occur; to Happen; to Come; to occur progressively or in succession; to be present transitorily.
XXXVIII. Pass ·vi To go from one person to another; hence, to be given and taken freely; as, clipped coin will not pass; to obtain general acceptance; to be held or regarded; to Circulate; to be current;
- followed by for before a word denoting value or estimation.
XXXIX. Pass ·vt To cause to move or go; to Send; to transfer from one person, place, or condition to another; to Transmit; to Deliver; to Hand; to make over; as, the waiter passed bisquit and cheese; the torch was passed from hand to hand.
XL. Pass ·vt To cause to advance by stages of progress; to carry on with success through an ordeal, examination, or action; specifically, to give legal or official sanction to; to Ratify; to Enact; to approve as valid and just; as, he passed the bill through the committee; the senate passed the law.
XLI. Pass ·vi To Go; to Move; to Proceed; to be moved or transferred from one point to another; to make a transit;
- usually with a following adverb or adverbal phrase defining the kind or manner of motion; as, to pass on, by, out, in, ·etc.; to pass swiftly, directly, smoothly, ·etc.; to pass to the rear, under the yoke, over the bridge, across the field, beyond the border, ·etc.
I. v. n.
Go, move, proceed, go on, make a transit.
Elapse, lapse, be spent, pass away.
Vanish, disappear, cease, fade, die, be lost.
Occur, happen, take place.
Circulate, be current, gain currency, be received.
Be enacted, be sanctioned by a majority of votes.
Be deemed, be considered, be held, be regarded.
Answer, do, do well enough.
Go unheeded, go unregarded.
Make a thrust, make a pass, thrust.
Determine, pass judgment.
Move through, go through.
II. v. a.
Allow to proceed, let go.
Go by.
Go over, go across.
Go through, go along.
Undergo, experience, live through, make trial of, suffer.
Spend (as time), live through.
Omit, neglect, disregard, take no notice of.
Overstep, go beyond, overpass.
Exceed, surpass, excel, transcend.
Be enacted by, be passed by.
Enact, ratify, sanction by a majority of votes.
Utter, deliver, pronounce.
Give currency to, put into circulation.
Void, discharge, eject, excrete.
Finish, accomplish, end, achieve.
Send, transmit, deliver, transfer, make over.
III. n.
Passage, way, road, avenue.
Defile, ravine, gorge, narrow passage.
Passport, ticket, permission to pass.
Conjuncture, state, condition, situation, plight.
Thrust, push, allonge, lunge, tilt, passado.
(passes, passing, passed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
To pass someone or something means to go past them without stopping.
As she passed the library door, the telephone began to ring...
Jane stood aside to let her pass...
I sat in the garden and watched the passing cars.
VERB: V n, V, V-ing
When someone or something passes in a particular direction, they move in that direction.
He passed through the doorway into Ward B...
The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.
= go
VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv
If something such as a road or pipe passes along a particular route, it goes along that route.
After going over the Col de Vars, the route passes through St-Paul-sur-Ubaye...
The road passes a farmyard.
VERB: V prep/adv, V n
If you pass something through, over, or round something else, you move or push it through, over, or round that thing.
'I don't understand,' the Inspector mumbled, passing a hand through his hair...
VERB: V n prep/adv
If you pass something to someone, you take it in your hand and give it to them.
Ken passed the books to Sergeant Parrott...
Pass me that bottle.
= hand
VERB: V n to n, V n n
If something passes or is passed from one person to another, the second person then has it instead of the first.
His mother's small estate had passed to him after her death...
These powers were eventually passed to municipalities.
...a genetic trait, which can be passed from one generation to the next.
VERB: V to n, be V-ed to n, be V-ed from n to n
If you pass information to someone, you give it to them because it concerns them.
Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors...
VERB: V n to n
Pass on means the same as pass
I do not know what to do with the information if I cannot pass it on...
From time to time he passed on confidential information to him...
He has written a note asking me to pass on his thanks.
PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) to n, V P n (not pron), also V n P to n
If you pass the ball to someone in your team in a game such as football, basketball, hockey, or rugby, you kick, hit, or throw it to them.
Your partner should then pass the ball back to you...
Dodd passed back to Flowers.
VERB: V n adv/prep, V prep/adv
Pass is also a noun.
Hirst rolled a short pass to Merson.
When a period of time passes, it happens and finishes.
He couldn't imagine why he had let so much time pass without contacting her...
Several minutes passed before the girls were noticed.
= go by
If you pass a period of time in a particular way, you spend it in that way.
The children passed the time playing in the streets...
To pass the time they sang songs and played cards.
VERB: V n -ing/adv, V n
If you pass through a stage of development or a period of time, you experience it.
The country was passing through a grave crisis...
= go
VERB: V through n
If an amount passes a particular total or level, it becomes greater than that total or level.
They became the first company in their field to pass the ?2 billion turn-over mark.
= exceed
If someone or something passes a test, they are considered to be of an acceptable standard.
Kevin has just passed his driving test...
I didn't pass.
? fail
VERB: V n, V
A pass in an examination, test, or course is a successful result in it.
An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses...
? fail
If someone in authority passes a person or thing, they declare that they are of an acceptable standard or have reached an acceptable standard.
Several popular beaches were found unfit for bathing although the government passed them last year...
The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service.
VERB: V n, V n adj
When people in authority pass a new law or a proposal, they formally agree to it or approve it.
The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent...
When a judge passes sentence on someone, he or she says what their punishment will be.
Passing sentence, the judge said it all had the appearance of a con trick...
If you pass comment or pass a comment, you say something.
I don't really know so I could not pass comment on that...
If someone or something passes for or passes as something that they are not, they are accepted as that thing or mistaken for that thing.
Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing...
...a woman passing as a man.
VERB: V for/as n, V for/as n
If someone passes water or passes urine, they urinate.
A sensitive bladder can make you feel the need to pass water frequently.
A pass is a document that allows you to do something.
I got myself a pass into the barracks...
A pass is a narrow path or route between mountains.
The monastery is in a remote mountain pass.
see also passing
If someone makes a pass at you, they try to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with you. (INFORMAL)
Nancy wasn't sure if Dirk was making a pass at her.
PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR at n
to pass the buck: see buck
to pass judgment: see judgment
¦ verb
1. move or cause to move in a specified direction.
change from one state or condition to another.
2. go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding.
surpass; exceed.
Tennis hit a winning shot past (an opponent).
3. (of time) elapse; go by.
happen; be done or said.
spend or use up (time).
come to an end.
4. transfer (something) to someone, especially by handing or bequeathing it to the next person in a series.
(in ball games) kick, hit, or throw (the ball) to a teammate.
5. be successful in (an examination, test, or course).
judge the performance or standard of (someone or something) to be satisfactory.
(pass as/for) be accepted as.
be accepted as adequate; go unremarked.
6. approve or put into effect (a proposal or law) by voting on it.
7. pronounce (a judgement or sentence).
utter (remarks, especially criticism).
(pass on/upon) archaic give a judgement on.
8. discharge (urine or faeces) from the body.
9. forgo one's turn or an opportunity to do or have something.
[as exclamation] (in response to a question) I do not know.
(of a company) not declare or pay (a dividend).
¦ noun
1. an act or instance of moving past or through something.
a thrust in fencing.
a juggling trick.
Computing a single scan through a set of data or a program.
2. a success in an examination.
Brit. the achievement of a university degree without honours.
3. a card, ticket, or permit giving authorization for the holder to enter or have access to a place, form of transport, or event.
4. (in ball games) an act of passing the ball to a teammate.
5. informal an amorous or sexual advance.
6. a state or situation of a specified (usually bad) nature.
7. Bridge an act of refraining from bidding during the auction.
come to a pretty pass reach a regrettable state of affairs.
pass water urinate.
Phrasal verbs
pass away (of a person) die.
pass someone by happen without being noticed or fully experienced by someone.
pass off happen or be carried through in a specified (usually satisfactory) way.
pass something off evade or lightly dismiss an awkward remark.
pass something off as falsely represent something as.
pass out
1. become unconscious.
2. Brit. complete one's initial training in the armed forces.
pass over (or pass on) (of a person) die.
pass someone over ignore the claims of someone to advancement.
pass something over avoid mentioning or considering something.
pass something up refrain from taking up an opportunity.
passer noun
ME: from OFr. passer, based on L. passus 'pace'.
¦ noun a route over or through mountains.
sell the pass Brit. betray a cause.
ME (in the sense 'division of a text, passage through'): var. of pace1, influenced by pass1 and Fr. pas.
·Impf & ·p.p. of Pass.
Orbital pass         
Satellite coverage; Satellite pass; Acquisition of signal; Satellite contact period; Pass (spaceflight)
An orbital pass (or simply pass) is the period in which a spacecraft is above the local horizon, and thus available for line-of-sight communication with a given ground station, receiver, or relay satellite, or for visual sighting. The beginning of a pass is termed acquisition of signal (AOS); the end of a pass is termed loss of signal (LOS).
Pass (ice hockey)         
Long bomb (ice hockey); Long Bomb (Ice Hockey); Hand pass; Hand Pass
In ice hockey, a pass is the movement of the puck from one player to another, usually by a motion of the stick. A pass differs from a shot, in that a pass is typically weaker than a shot and is not directed at the opponent's net with the intention of scoring a goal.
Professional Association for SQL Server         
PASS (formerly known as the Professional Association for SQL Server) was a global community for data professionals who use the Microsoft data platform. An independent, non-profit, user-run association, PASS was founded in 1999 with funds from Microsoft and Computer Associates.
Passive voice         
Passive Voice; Passive mood; The passive voice; Passive agent; Passive verb; Passive sentence; Passivization; Stative passive; False passive; Passive sentences; Passivisation; Passively voiced
A passive voice construction is a grammatical voice construction that is found in many languages. In a clause with passive voice, the grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb – that is, the person or thing that undergoes the action or has its state changed.



Pass, PASS, The Pass or Passed may refer to: